About Us


RUBAN JAMAICA LIMITED is a dynamic business that specializes in 
RUral & urBAN Real Estate. Our services: Consult, Acquire, Design & Build, are contracted under Ruban Harmony Limited or Ruban Construction Boutique Limited depending on the scope. 

It is important for participants in the Real Estate process to achieve optimal results. Our knowledge and experience are geared to this end as we engage a complete team of professionals to effectively meet all your Real Estate needs.
About Us Ruban Jamaica Team

Each project, big or small, is evaluated by our vibrant “Concept Committee” to determine the best plan of action/approach.

Concept Committee

▪ Real Estate Consultant
▪ Attorney-at-law
▪ Realtor
▪ Architect
▪ Building Contractor
▪ Land Surveyor
▪ Structural Engineer,
▪ MEP Engineer
▪ Mortgage Specialist
▪ Marketer


Ruban Jamaica Limited has a vision and duty that goes beyond the goal of being a successful business. Embracing the vision of giving back to the community helps us to revitalize the initial energy and drive that led to the creation of Ruban Jamaica Limited. We built our self around a greater mission of doing good, which allows us to infuse that passion into our services, employees, and clients. This passion eventually began to manifest itself in the work of our employees and managers, providing a greater sense of purpose and, in turn, leads to business growth.

Learn more about RUBAN JAMAICA Limited

Need more information on our services? Please get in touch with us